Wednesday, September 28, 2011


Author Ed Hallowell spoke at the American School last night on the "Childhood Roots of Adult Happiness"

His first point is what he calls the unexamined assumption that the closer you get to being number one, the happier you are.

What struck me was his central finding that “connectedness” is the key. 

Positive connection drives the best environment for kids

He said to create memories of connectedness.  Friendships really matter, make time for them and model them for your kids

Connect to school, how do they feel when they walk in the front door?

That’s all well and good, but what do you do if you take your well-adjusted connected kids from their safe/loving/protected environment, rip them from their core and bring them to London where they are completely and utterly disconnected.

First he said the opposite of connection is indifference, not disconnection.  But second he said the kids need to get connected, to something, and at first they will connect, or reconnect as it were, to the family.

That must be what my son felt when he said, “Haven’t we had enough of family time?”

Answer:  No

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