Monday, February 6, 2012

Super Sunday or Super Monday

Either stay up late or get up early.

Those are the two ways to deal with the five hour time lag.  I thought the mature way would be to tape the Super Bowl, get up early, avoid email, hope to G-d the DVR starts at the right point and watch the game in 90 minutes.

My son can't live in a world where everyone else knows the score but him.

I can't live in a world where I go to bed at 3 in the morning.

So he rests throughout the day, tries to pace himself, finishes his homework.  For me it's a normal Sunday, errands, preparing for the Monday ahead.

And at 11:00 PM I climb into bed, making sure the recording is set and he opens up the couch into a bed and settles in with a package of Kettle Corn for the long haul.  If it's a blow-out he'll go to bed, but anything close and he'll force himself against nature to see what everyone else is seeing, his own personal fight against time.

I'm up at 6:30 the following morning and ask my wife if the son waited up all night.  She said it was a close game.

I go downstairs where he is fast asleep in front of a quiet television.  I turn it on and begin.  Pushing past the inane commentary, we don't get the American commercials so there is no need to slow between timeouts.  Through the first half, slowly over the Madonna show, the slog of the third quarter and then the full tilt ride of the fourth quarter.

A 44 year old needs to be well rested for work, the practical side of starting the week off right, just getting over a cold.  A 15 year old must not miss anything, he needs to be updated, to follow his friends on Facebook as the game goes on.

His generation is used to taping a show and watching it any time they like.  My generation is used to being controlled by the clock, "It's 9:00, Love Boat is on..."  Today the old man needed the technology so he could get his sleep.  And the young man followed the clock that sits back home five hours away.

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