I voted for you twice and until this week I would have a
3rd time.
I didn't just vote in those elections, I cheered, I gave money, I had faith.
I know how devastating it must be to find that your successor, is well, your successor and how much of your legacy will get steamrolled.
But you were always the happy one who told us it would be
okay and smiled and graciously took the President-elect around the White House and
showed us how a President, a mensch, as we would say, should act.
And then in the waning days you decide to take this final swipe.
The question is not why, but why now?
We overlooked the Iran deal, we overlooked the icy relationship with Netanyahu, we supported you because in the end we needed to trust you. Many of us believe that Israel and our friendship with the US is the only thing that stands between us and a second Holocaust.
And now, after this public denouncement, my Democratic friends are bending over backwards to
explain why this isn't so bad, "not unprecedented," they say. These are writers and editors and opinion
makers who we have previously trusted to help balance public opinion in the face of the UN and other institutions that are inherently Anti-Israel if note Anti-Semitic. With all the problems in the world and all the places that need your attention
you throw fuel on this fire?
With a month to go in this job you spend your energies
and efforts and thoughts on this? When I
struggle to understand why the only answer, the only reason, the only possible
thing that could compel you is the smallness of character that you have managed
to avoid in your time in office in a town of small people.
You struck out at the Jews and Israel to make what
point? Do you believe this will really move the
process forward? Do you think this will bring people
together, the overriding message of your campaigns and presidency?
The world is attracted right now to political parties and systems where the Jews have traditionally not fared well.
When the world is wrong on Aleppo, it's a tragedy for a city, maybe even for a country. When you are wrong about Israel, it could mean genocide.
The world is on fire. In the middle east there is an endless list of problems from Syria, Libya, Iran, Iraq. In Europe and the US fear of cars slamming into Christmas crowds, the new Administration is taking new and untested positions, and in this environment where the world stage is over-crowded with fascists and nationalist you serve up the world's favorite scapegoat?
Why now? Why this?
Why us?