The plans were all set.
Flights to Utah, lift tickets, reservations, dinners with friends.
And then the snow came.
School was cancelled.
Then the planes.
We re-thought the weekend.
Then they opened one runway. And our plane arrived. We plowed through Georgetown and a foot of snow...
So we stopped for Chinese food.
Just me and two of the kids.
Jessie fell on the ice. She laughed hard. Her brother harder.
We were the only people in the restaurant.
They made us sit in the corner "in case a large party showed up."
And knocked down the world's biggest icicle.
Bought groceries.
Ran on the frozen lake.
The kids had time to ski.
I made time to write.
The ski lift ticket on my birthday read: Feb 15, 2014 -- Adult Twilight.
I hope not.